Today is a special date. 20.10.2010! What a wonderful date! But, last year also had 20.09.2009. So, is it called "special"? If every year also have, so, it is not special anymore, right?
now ==> 20.10.2010
looking forward ==> 20.11.2011
future ==> 20.12.2012
so more ==> 20.13.2013??
Perhaps, in the year 2013, there will be another date? Or the 2010 prediction is come true? Who knows? As people always said that "Nothing is Impossible".
I'm very happy and appreciate the date. 20.10.2010. Ya! today is a special day! Hopefully is a meaningful day too! Best luck.
*hang fok-ing
20170827 1539
7 年前