just finish math paper 1 exam..
tough than sem1 paper1 math ler..
ques 4 n 5..
make me die..
ques 4,
prove the equation equal to ZERO..
i know sure the numerator muz equal to zero..
i differentiate d ln equation carefully..
n it din hav any mistake..
but y i prove d numerator is equal to -4?
i wonder..
cant do den skip to the next question..
ques 5,
dun understand the question lor..
just know need find the values of a & b..
continue ques,
use the values a & b find bla bla bla..
i cant find a & b,
how i going do next ques?
make me geram nia..
time left 25minutes,
i use tat 25 minutes to do tat ques 4 n 5..
ques 5 really luan do..
but stil come out the answ..
hope is correct~~
den go to ques 4 again..
prove prove prove..
i hate prove ques..
i check 1 by 1..
stil cant prove it..
numerator stil equal to -4..
den suan lor MIAN QIANG MEI XING FU..
put -4 lar..
bt after finish exam,
they all say can prove a,
n tat ques wont hard..
ish ish..
i know sure my way cant b use dy..
they all use other ways tat i 4get how to do 1..
but stil happy cos 1more paper finish!!
all the best in math paper 2 lor..
hope wont so hard
n i can do it =)
all the best to all
~~GooD LucK~~
