I most hate de subject------BUSINESSstudy till chapter 8..den,got 1 subtopic know is wat??~EKS~EKS is wat?EKS stand for wat?For my dad,EKS is Eng Kar Seong XDfor business,EKS is Enterprise Kecil dan Sederhana..
Puan norlin at kuliah keep say EKS EKS..
bt sure is mean Enterprise Kecil dan Sederhana lar..
Feel weird werid when study myself =.="

Kepentingan EKS?
wawa i got many kepentingan de ler yuan lai..
so proud aa me XD
for matrik acc students,
u all must know my kepentingan ya..
later in PSPM 2 exam will come out aa..
pls memorize it XD

all about EKS..
so good i no need study for tis subtopic..
cos i know myself very well d =="
hopefully all ppl can memorize it XD
EKS!!I proud of u!! =D很快,上Kuliah和Tutorial的时间,扣掉今天,还剩下19天。世界上最快的东西,非时间莫属也。好好把握每一分,每一秒。好好珍惜所有时间,只因它不会重来。Warga KMPP,account students,kuliah A2,praktikum A2P2,好好珍惜剩下来的团聚时光,务必做到最好,务必天天快乐,务必幸福永远。All The Best&Good LuckGamb@t3H =D