recently very very busy..
dunno y suddenly got so so sooo many activities
n also program
n also hmwork
n also assignment
n also much more..
1st ler..
is later need present the product tat invent by me..
is BI project..
den tis coming saturday i be chosen
go there for lawatan KILANG..
just me 1 chinese boy b chosen..
i wil be alone..
next week is ict week..
on next saturday need do the booth..
tat means need do pameran..
all class must participate..
cos my school dy invite whole penang school to come
to join tis pameran..
got alot of things need prepare..
n den i also got join my sot matrik frens n 2 lecturer
to participate the amazing race ICT on next saturday..
den next monday,
need to present the folio business,
bt i wat also haven do yet..
n got 3 assignment business waiting me X.X
n got quiz business on next omnday ler..
i no listen d business ler..
so i dunno how going 2 exam d business dy..
business so hard 2 memorize..
or can say i noob in memorize things lor @@
business quiz chapter 6,
dun come =X
besides tat,
stil got drama practice for the CNY..
CNY me stil need make the slide show about CNY.
den CNY me stil got magic show..
festival CNY wil be organise on 10th feb..
my bday XD
mayb tat day too good dy..
many many activities on tat day..
such as larian merentas desa on 5pm,
den bcos of tis mayb festival CNY wil be postpone..
dunno yet..
c head of chinese how decide lar..
bt if postpone to after holidays CNY,
i can tel u all,
for sure v all dun have tat mood dy..
if b4 holidays CNY,
our mood wil be very QI DAI n FUN n ENJOY..
but after holidays CNY,
v no more holidays,
no more tat mood,
n v need face our final exam dy..
so pls dun postpone lar evan got alot of prob..
i believe u all can solve it 1 =D
i got join both activities too..
larian merentas desa is diwajibkan..
den the KMPP GOT TALENT is organise by UNIT BI..
becos tat whole week is minggu BI..
den i participate KMPP GOT TALENT..
cos 1 sot with my frens..
go singing with them..
3 ppl sing in kuliah ler..
dunno dare anot lolxX XD
n the song v choose is
tis song,
very meaningful for me..
d lyric,
soooooo good..
n touching..
n d lyric,
is wat i wanna tel u 1 t.t
u muz take good care n good luck always for u =D
In addition,
i stil got participate video presentation contest with my sot kmpp gang..
d video is about promote my school-KMPP 1..
who 1 c den find me lar XD
bt the title haven think yet X.X
d business stil got activities for 4flat n those who low mark..
on monday 5pm-6om..
me need teach 2 ppl ler @@
i wil try my best teach them 1 =D
gambateh together =]
tis coming sunday my frens 1 go out buy new cloth for CNY..
n i oso 1 buy my new shoes for CNY..
go out together with them lor..
den hmwork 1 how n when do ler?
dunno ler..
c 1st lor @@
den tis friday start karnival kokurikulum..
me is pengurus or jurulatih of bola tampar..
den den need train them..
bt i stil cant find the time tat i free..
but d competitionn of koko 1 come d..
wat can i do?
or can say i manage d time not very well? @@
den i had b chosen by lecturer business
become pengarah of the business program
d objective of d program is 1 to all those get 4flat students
to maintain the result in the final exam coming soon..
n those who cant get 4flat students bcos of business,
oso muz need join tis program..
tis program mosly is chinese lar..
cos almost all chinese get 4flat =D
bt those din get oso dun disappointed,
good luck in d next inal exam =]
wait the busy life over,
n 12nd FEB can bek home le..
go bek for the CNY..
good good..
alot of assignment waiting me..
the math i haven do many yet..
all da best to me lor =D
n also for u all =]