go queensbay do questionnaire..
at first i tot is very easy to get 10 company or shop..
who know..
mostly company dun1 do the survey..
because the boss ady give order cant do questionnaire..
if not,
den is manager offday..
or the ppl dunno ENGLISH..
or the ppl not free..
or many many reasons 1..

1st shop v go,
the manager very very kindly..
he say last time when he degree oso like tis..
he very fast fill in the questionnaire ady..

after 1st shop,
v tot very fast can settle it..
who know,
it become very worst..
hard to find another company or shop..
really hard..
n finally i know,
in business field,
it is same as battle field..
all ppl r fighting for the profit for the market..
y i want to study account?
act i prefer b doctor..
i want save more ppl in the world..
i want the ppl get treated even not rich..
but i know my standard,
n my memorize skill damn suck,
n i like number oso,
tat y i choose account since i form4..
but who know,
until now,
im wrong..
who say account just do account?
it involve a lot n a lot things n nid memorize oso..
i will try my best to complete my bachelor degree..
good luck to me!!
n then my fren go ROYAL SELANGOR shop..
the shop manager oso very good..
after fill in the questionnaire,
she ask us whether 1 do part time or not..
get a shock when she ask us..
from 7.30pm-10.30pm..
1hour RM5..
act it is ok ler..
ya my fren will go do when hari raya bcos he dun bek hm..

then meet XUE MEI..
she bek from uum..
act at first she sms me say cant go QB..
(sms but dun tell me ur name huiyoo) xD
who know..
afternoon meet her..
cant recognize her act when she call me..
blur at thr for 5seconds..
then oni ask "xue mei"?
haix noob me..
sorry for tat..
n cant go psr malam oso d..
but 2day i got go sungai dua de psr mlm oso..
dun envy me ya kaka =P
den yest night..
after bek from QB,
rush go USM thr..
cos got birthday gather..
my group leader bday..
giv he surprise..
but no candle!!
den run go out sungai dua 7-11 buy..
act i ady no energy d..
go bek from QB walk to restu,
den from restu walk to fajar,
from fajar run to outside near mcD thr,
den walk bek fajar..
i faint @@
1pm ka reach room..
n all ppl ady sleep..
ya ofcos,
i always the most late..
xi guan jiu hao..
yest use a lot money..
2day use a lot money too..
total use a lot + a lot money
nid to save ady start now..
if not i bankrap or muflis soon..
~~2day is a moody day~~
~~hope 2mr will b ok~~